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Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal
May 11, 2022

Canal, pump station, and Twin Peaks mined to one peak for concrete (concrete lines the CAP canal) Currently, Tucson gets the majority of its municipal water from the Colorado River. The 300+ mile…

Avra Valley Swales

Built by Civil Conservation Corps in the 1930s, and then abandoned. A great site to see what happens when we walk away. Where things are well-designed and built—life can flourish; but where they…

Sus picnic area historic check dams

built by the Civil Conservation Corps in the 1930s, and resulting seep springs Passive water-harvesting natural bedrock check dams, historic mortared stone check dams, and resulting seep springs can be seen less than…

Sentinel Peak/A-mountain

A view of how the Santa Cruz River and Tucson Basin ecology/hydrology is changing Offers a good view of the Tucson Basin and Santa Cruz River, which you can compare to historic views/photos…

Cienega Creek Natural Preserve

Perennial stream flow with natural pools of water and lush riparian vegetation. A ciénega is a wetland system unique to the southwest U.S. and northern Mexico. The Cienega Creek watershed is essential for…
