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Manzo Elementary School students show how they grow crops irrigated with rainwater caught from school roof in tanks behind them.
Manzo Elementary School
June 17, 2022

I wish I had gone to this neighborhood school as a kid. Opportunities for playful learning through hands-on doing abound. At the core, it’s their garden and ecology program—integrated into both the curriculum…

The upper and larger of the two rainwater catchment basins, Kitt Peak Observatory
Kitt Peak Observatory
May 18, 2022

Built in 1960, the rainwater harvesting system provides the observatory (its 12 to 15 residents, 60 daytime staff, 6 to 8 astronomers, and up to 300 visitors a day (average of 50) with…

Corbett irrigation ditch, just before it enters a culvert beneath E Placita Del Mesquite road, looking east.
Acequias of the Tucson Basin

There once were many prehistoric and historic irrigation canals or acequias in the Tucson Basin that would use gravity to more widely distribute perennially and ephemerally flowing water from rivers such as the…

Superfund Sites
May 13, 2022

Tucson is home to many superfund sites where pollutants from local landfills, businesses, and industry have migrated down (or even been injected directly into) to our aquifer and contaminated our groundwater. A superfund…

Santa Cruz River Heritage Project

In 2019, the Santa Cruz River Heritage Project began pumping highly treated “waste” (sewer) water from Tucson’s Agua Nueva Wastewater Reclamation Facility to a point south of downtown Tucson and West Star Pass…
