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Winter-Solstice Solar Arc for Free Harvest of Sun & Heating
December 23, 2021

See how this ideal orientation of home and landscape trees (within water-harvesting basins) to the sun—plus appropriately sized equator-facing roof overhang—maximizes the on-site potential to freely/passively harvest warming sun and light in winter,…

Winter Solstice Sun & Shade Trap

See how this layout of trees and cisterns on the west, and house on the north, of the garden create a Sun Trap welcoming the morning sun on the garden (and front porch),…

Summer Solstice Sun & Shade Trap

See how this layout of trees and cisterns on the west of and house on the north of the garden create an afternoon Shade Trap when the cisterns and trees shade and cool…

Sun- & Shade-Harvesting Videos
August 27, 2021

Innovations in Solar and Water In May 2015, Brad was once of many creative visionaries who presented at the Coneybeare Cleantech Leaders’ Conference in Irvine, California. Midway through his slide presentation, Brad engaged…

Sun- and Shade-Harvesting Cisterns

How rainwater cisterns can be placed to harvest the warmth and light of sun in cool/cold times, while harvesting cooling shade in hot times… This makes the rainwater in the tanks go further,…
