This is a month-by-month planting guide for food plants in the Tucson area, southern Arizona, and northern Sonora Mexico… It is compiled from Desert Harvest, Tucson Organic Gardeners’ Composter newsletter, Native Seeds/SEARCH planting…

This is a month-by-month planting guide for food plants in the Tucson area, southern Arizona, and northern Sonora Mexico… It is compiled from Desert Harvest, Tucson Organic Gardeners’ Composter newsletter, Native Seeds/SEARCH planting…
Compiled by Brad Lancaster from various sources listed below Plant the following GOOD plants — especially those native to your area — within or beside water-harvesting earthworks around your goat pen and along…
Mostly native, plus a few exotic plants also loved by chickens. These plants grow well in Tucson, Phoenix, Hermosillo, and throughout the Sonoran Desert. All but the shortest plants provide shelter for the…
Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Native Food Forest. Tucson, Arizona, USA. Latitude 32.2˚N. Elevation 2,555 feet (779 meters). Tucson, Arizona, USA. Average annual precipitation 11 inches (280mm)… Ideally, you plant the rain before you plant your…
Underwood Family Sonoran Landscape Laboratory. College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture (CAPLA). University of Arizona. Tucson, Arizona, USA. Latitude 32.2˚. Elevation 2,555 feet (779 meters). Average annual precipitation 11 inches (280 mm).…
De-pave and re-enliven… Daylighting the Cheong Gye Cheon River in Seoul, South Korea Daylighting one city block of buried waterwayat Los Angeles Ecovillage, California Daylighting section of Dolph Creek at Headwaters Project in…
How we’re harvesting, cycling, and playing with multiple, free, on-site waters and what they grow… Before & After photos… For more…
Collaborating with rainwater’s potential… For more… Rainwater harvesting resources Rainwater harvesting case studies See additional image galleries here and learn how to design and implement many of these systems and more in the…
Directing pavement runoff to boost pavement-side life, while increasing available rainfall multifold… For more…
Transforming life- and resource-eroding dirt roads to generators of life and resources… See here for more water harvesting from dirt roads and other strategies in Altar Valley, Arizona For more