Water-harvesting demonstration filmed by Sustainable World Media

Water-harvesting demonstration filmed by Sustainable World Media
Part 1 of 3 short videos from Sustainable World Media in which Brad talks about Water Harvesting and more
This short video by Malcolm Matusky is compiled from clips and stills taken during field-study days with Brad and ECOSA Institute students, and includes Brad’s description of what beneficial ruins are and why…
Brad demonstrates how to place and build a berm using a homemade bunyip water level. View this video to learn how a bunyip water level works. © GreenBridgeMedia.com.
Brad demonstrates how to make and use a bunyip water level—very useful for getting elevations right on your water-harvesting earthworks—with a few simple tools and parts. Produced by GreenBridge Media for the Creative…
Using a sponge model as a demonstration tool, Brad Lancaster shows us the effectiveness of harvesting rain. Produced by Jill Cloutier and Carol Hirashima for the Creative Commons…. Spread the information!
A video on the village and villagers of Laporiya (featured as a case study in the Introduction of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition), and how they turned water…
Tucson filmmaker Andrew Brown says, “A short film I made on local rainwater-harvesting genius Brad Lancaster was a semifinalist in the Focus Forward film competition! I would really appreciate it if you took…
A water-harvesting overview highlighting some of the strategies implemented at the Lancaster homestead to harvest street runoff, roof runoff (with simple filtration), and greywater. See Brad’s award-winning books, Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and…
This new Arizona Public Media video/story on a rain-jar cooperative shows how rain-irrigated trees are bringing life—in many varied forms—back to the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood.