Arizona PhoenixConcrete Coring Company(602) Southwest Curb CutErnie Hey(602) 550-4085 TucsonCustom Saw Cuts(520) 624-2191 Tucson Concrete Cutting and CoringGlenn Van Houten(520) 747-7364 California WhollyH2OThis site is a comprehensive information center for efficiency, rainwater,…

Water Harvesting CalculationsWater Harvesting Calculations, Appendix 3 of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Vol. 1 Rainwater Harvesting Nomogram for Tucson, ArizonaThis diagram and a ruler can determine optimal sizes of rainwater tanks…

Kailash Ecovillage in Portland, Oregon has transformed their 2 acres to absorb all of the rain that falls on it with an edible landscape, in a way that they give more water to…

This video was shot in early summer 2021 coming out of the driest year on record with record heat, and finally got 1.7 inches (43 mm) of rain 7-2021. But almost everyone let…

Miracle on Elmer Avenue Andy Lipkis, Founder and President of TreePeople, talks about Elmer Avenue, a neighborhood in Los Angeles’ NE San Fernando Valley that was transformed from a flood-hazard zone into a…

Great demonstrations on the comparative performance of untilled farm soil that is high in organic matter, versus regularly tilled, synthetically fertilized soil. Tips on how to enhance the living fertile sponge of your…

I love this 3-D interactive model! It works for all ages. Clearly shows how different watershed surfaces affect our water quality and quantity. Billy is a tireless, master water-harvesting instructor for ARCSA and…

Greening the Desert II is a dynamic water harvesting project in Jordan. This video is a great update of the original version. Click here to watch the video with Arabic subtitles. For more…

This is a great example for cities everywhere, and beautiful street theater. Non-profit, TreePeople, put out a press release that a 1,500-year flood would hit a single residential property, but all would be…