Ancient and modern methods of collecting and storing rainwater are being used to address severe drought today.

Ancient and modern methods of collecting and storing rainwater are being used to address severe drought today.
How neighborhood forestry-led efforts turn flooding problems into a free irrigation resources that also help recharge the aquifer and other local waters. Turns flooding problem into a free irrigation resource that also helps…
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A case study planting rain and neighborhood native food forests to grow regenerative abundance By Brad Lancaster (Author) and Karryn Olson (Editor) with The Regenerative Economy Collaborative I get up predawn to pee,…
by Brad Lancaster To address dwindling Colorado River water supplies, upon which many communities depend, western cities are committing to reducing ornamental grass and its associated water use (figures 1 and 2). That’s…
Brad Lancaster, author and expert on water harvesting, talks to Water Desk Director Mitch Tobin about how individuals and communities can make the most of rainfall and greywater to stretch local supplies. The…
by Brad Lancaster My heart sinks, but I also want to act, when I read of, and experience, suffering as is often the case with worsening climate conditions, such as how my desert…
Drought-deciduous plants have adapted to drop many or all of their leaves in dry seasons and/or drought to conserve water. Then revive with a quick, vibrant growth of leaves upon arrival of the…
A simple strategy to divert stormwater from one side of the street to the other in order to fill all the rain gardens on both sides of the street in a way that…
A documentary on Brad Lancaster and some of his water-harvesting mentors.Click on the arrow in the center of the image below.It was produced, directed, and edited by David Fenster for Arizona Illustrated on…