How to Build a Composting Toilet Barrel System with David Omick The system is based on a 55-gallon plastic barrel system developed by David Omick, For more details about this system please…

How to Build a Composting Toilet Barrel System with David Omick The system is based on a 55-gallon plastic barrel system developed by David Omick, For more details about this system please…
Learn to compost your human waste into free, safe, on-site high-quality fertilizer that will make your garden lush! Check out the following Mr. Brown-friendly links: Illustrated guides on building and using simple,…
Great demonstrations on the comparative performance of untilled farm soil that is high in organic matter, versus regularly tilled, synthetically fertilized soil. Tips on how to enhance the living fertile sponge of your…
I love this 3-D interactive model! It works for all ages. Clearly shows how different watershed surfaces affect our water quality and quantity. Billy is a tireless, master water-harvesting instructor for ARCSA and…
Greening the Desert II is a dynamic water harvesting project in Jordan. This video is a great update of the original version. Click here to watch the video with Arabic subtitles. For more…
Tucson filmmaker Andrew Brown says, “A short film I made on local rainwater-harvesting genius Brad Lancaster was a semifinalist in the Focus Forward film competition! I would really appreciate it if you took…
This new Arizona Public Media video/story on a rain-jar cooperative shows how rain-irrigated trees are bringing life—in many varied forms—back to the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood.
Dry Land, Episode 5 of the Greenhorns’ Our Land Series Brad discusses how we can work with nature to deconstruct our water woes back into water wins.
A short, sweet film featuring Greg Peterson of the Urban Farm, Ryan Wood of Watershed Management Group, Ken Singh of Singh Farms, and Brad Lancaster talking about place-based, community-building, common-sense solutions to Arizona’s…