Compiled by Brad Lancaster The following resources were compiled as part of a workshop presented at the 2021 Rocky Mountain Natural Building Conference. Passive Water Harvesting – plant the rain Rainwater Harvesting for…

The following are some of my favorites, and can be used as templates for other communities to create similar incentives… Rainwater-Harvesting Rebate in Tucson, Arizona Rainwater-harvesting rebate can reimburse you up to $2,000 for…

This manual provides information for neighborhood residents, municipal professionals, grassroots advocates and others who seek to implement green infrastructure (GI) strategies in their communities. It offers a neighborhood-centered perspective on GI that is…

The Tucson Green Streets Policy requires new and reconstructed roadways be designed to harvest the first 1/2 inch (13 mm) of rainfall in order to grow streetside and median vegetation… The policy is…

To maximize performance potential of your Eddy or Backwater Basins, design for the following… The following is based on tip 9 (Three Key Elevation Relationships of Water-Harvesting Earthworks) from chapter one of Rainwater…

These runoff-harvesting basins are largely self-maintaining, thus they are typically my favorite—especially for do-it-yourselfers… As an eddy basin fills with water, the water gradually and calmly backs up to the basin’s inflow point,…