Using a sponge model as a demonstration tool, Brad Lancaster shows us the effectiveness of harvesting rain. Produced by Jill Cloutier and Carol Hirashima for the Creative Commons…. Spread the information!

Using a sponge model as a demonstration tool, Brad Lancaster shows us the effectiveness of harvesting rain. Produced by Jill Cloutier and Carol Hirashima for the Creative Commons…. Spread the information!
A video on the village and villagers of Laporiya (featured as a case study in the Introduction of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition), and how they turned water…
Tucson filmmaker Andrew Brown says, “A short film I made on local rainwater-harvesting genius Brad Lancaster was a semifinalist in the Focus Forward film competition! I would really appreciate it if you took…
A water-harvesting overview highlighting some of the strategies implemented at the Lancaster homestead to harvest street runoff, roof runoff (with simple filtration), and greywater. See Brad’s award-winning books, Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and…
This video highlights how properly designed roof overhangs and window awnings can provide free shade and cooling in the hot summer months, as well as maximizing sun exposure and free light and heating…
This new Arizona Public Media video/story on a rain-jar cooperative shows how rain-irrigated trees are bringing life—in many varied forms—back to the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood.
This rainwater-harvesting segment from AZ Illustrated Nature features the work of and interviews with landscape designer Logan Byers (Local Design + Build) and rainwater-harvesting expert Brad Lancaster.
Dry Land, Episode 5 of the Greenhorns’ Our Land Series Brad discusses how we can work with nature to deconstruct our water woes back into water wins.
A short, sweet film featuring Greg Peterson of the Urban Farm, Ryan Wood of Watershed Management Group, Ken Singh of Singh Farms, and Brad Lancaster talking about place-based, community-building, common-sense solutions to Arizona’s…
Brad’s May 2015 presentation “Integrated Local Harvests”. Midway through, Brad engaged the attendees in some kinesthetic learning about working with the Earth’s seasons via the Sun-Path Dance. Presented at the Coneybeare Cleantech Conference…