Brad’s May 2015 presentation “Integrated Local Harvests”. Midway through, Brad engaged the attendees in some kinesthetic learning about working with the Earth’s seasons via the Sun-Path Dance. Presented at the Coneybeare Cleantech Conference…

Brad’s May 2015 presentation “Integrated Local Harvests”. Midway through, Brad engaged the attendees in some kinesthetic learning about working with the Earth’s seasons via the Sun-Path Dance. Presented at the Coneybeare Cleantech Conference…
Nepal, Guatemala, Eritrea. The YouTube video From Thin Air features the FogQuest effort to provide drinking water from fog with manufactured fog-collecting screen sails and gutters below… Efforts are underway to improve the efficiency of…
Madeira, Azores, and the Canary Islands. Latitude 32.7˚ N, 37.7˚N, and 28.2˚ N. Elevation: 1,300 and 4,600 feet (400 and 1400 meters) Fog-drip from trees can be, and has been, harvested in cisterns…
Coast of Namibia. Latitude 18˚ 58’S to 16˚ 56’S There are a number of different fog-harvesting beetles such as Stenocara gracilipes in the dry, yet fog-rich, coastal area of Namibia. All the beetles…
Northern California, USA. 0.46 mile (0.75 km) from coast. Latitude 41.3˚ N. Elevation: between 154 – 626 feet (47-191 meters) A study in northern California found that on average 34% of the annual…