A free integrated guide I collaborated on with Art Ludwig of OasisDesign.net… It can be used anywhere. Click on the image or live link text below for the free download. Santa Barbara County…
To optimize your health, and that of your plants and soil life, use non-toxic soaps… Harvesting greywater is a great way to utilize an on-site non-potable source of supplemental irrigation water, which, along…
The following are some of my favorites, and can be used as templates for other communities to create similar incentives… Rainwater-Harvesting Rebate in Tucson, Arizona Rainwater-harvesting rebate can reimburse you up to $2,000 for…
See the links below to some of my favorites, which can be (and have been) used as templates to change policy in other areas… • Arizona Greywater Guidelines (in English) – a Template…
Greywater-harvesting stub-outs are built-in plumbing connections allowing for easy future access to a home’s drain-water stream… Incorporating greywater-harvesting drains/stub-outs at the time of construction (or major renovation) of a home is generally the…
This manual provides information for neighborhood residents, municipal professionals, grassroots advocates and others who seek to implement green infrastructure (GI) strategies in their communities. It offers a neighborhood-centered perspective on GI that is…