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Greywater Handbook of Santa Barbara County
August 27, 2021

A free integrated guide I collaborated on with Art Ludwig of… It can be used anywhere. Click on the image or live link text below for the free download. Santa Barbara County…

Greywater Compatible Soap & Detergent Info

To optimize your health, and that of your plants and soil life, use non-toxic soaps… Harvesting greywater is a great way to utilize an on-site non-potable source of supplemental irrigation water, which, along…

Greywater-Harvesting Stub-Outs

Greywater-harvesting stub-outs are built-in plumbing connections allowing for easy future access to a home’s drain-water stream… Incorporating greywater-harvesting drains/stub-outs at the time of construction (or major renovation) of a home is generally the…
