The bulk, if not all, materials for creating most water-harvesting earthworks are already on-site and free. The soil is the main one. Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands, Volume 2, covers the rest. If you choose to import or buy vegetation, potential sources are listed below.
Note: Plants native to your site and extending to a 25-mile radius from and 500 foot elevation range above or below your site’s elevation are typically the best adapted to thrive on local rainfall alone. Check with local native plant societies for reputable nurseries and seed suppliers. For native or exotic plants, locally-owned plant nurseries and seed suppliers are typically the best since they know the area, the local plants, and more of the money you invest in them is more likely to recycle through the local economy.
Native plants for Tucson
Desert Survivors
Spadefoot Nursery
Nighthawk Natives Nursery
San Xavier Co-op Farm Nursery
Tohono Chul Park Nursery
Tucson Cactus & Succulent Society
Exotic & some native plants
Mesquite Valley Growers
8005 E Speedway Blvd
(520) 721-8600
Civano Nursery
5301 S Houghton Road
(520) 546-9200
Native plant & wildflower seed
Wildlands Restoration
(520) 882-0969
Garden vegetable seed
Native Seeds/SEARCH
Native plants and seed, & climate-appropriate exotic plants
Albuquerque & Santa Fe, New Mexico
Plants of the Southwest Nurseries