Greywater-Harvesting Materials and Suppliers
Soap/detergent, plumbing parts, diverter valves, infiltration chambers, and more…
Oasis® biocompatible laundry & dishwashing detergent
Food Conspiracy Co-op
Laundry to Landscape (L2L) and other greywater harvesting plumbing parts
Water Wise Supply/Clean Water Components
A great one-stop online shop for greywater parts. Best source of hard-to-find Laundry to Landscape (L2L) parts.
The Rain Store
Greywater 3-way diverter valves
Jandy Valve
Pentair valve
Typically available at pool and spa suppliers
Catalina Spas and Pools
(520) 888-4181
Pentair 1.5″/2″three-way valve
FLO2 Diverter Valve
IAMPMO-approved for any drain/waste/vent application, which includes permitted greywater-harvesting systems.
Their website seems to be down.
Will post new active site if I can find one.
90-degree adapter and extension arm for 3-way diverter valve
Their website seems to be down.
Will post new active site if I can find one.
To see how it works see here
Actuators for electrically switched 3-way diverter valves
Greywater flow splitters
Any well-stocked plumbing supplier that sells double ells from which you can make your own greywater flow splitters
Plumbing Suppliers Inc.
(520) 326-6433
Benjamin Plumbing Supply
(520) 777-7000
Spa-flex greywater hose
One-inch (30-mm) minimum diameter spa-flex PVC hose does not kink and clog like garden hose and works great for above-ground moveable greywater hose. A press-fit adapter bushing/fitting makes the transition from rigid ABS pipe to the spa-flex hose. Hose lengths should be no longer than needed, and the slope should be kept as constant as possible so air and water can drain freely. Spa-flex hose is available in a number of colors.
Pacific Echo, Inc.
Pool and spa suppliers
Hardware stores
Greywater leaching chambers (aka, “infiltration chambers” or “subsurface outlet chambers”)
Infiltrator Systems, Inc.
I used to feel the “Quick4 Standard Chamber” was ideal for infiltration trench, greywater-harvesting, and septic leach field applications since its height does not exceed 12 inches (30 cm). This way the majority of the water discharged through the chambers infiltrates into the top 2 feet (0.6 m) of soil where roots and soil life can more readily utilize the water. I feel these standard 12-inch tall chambers are much better than the high capacity chambers with heights of 16 to 24 inches, which discharge the water lower in the soil profile, out of the reach of more roots. But now Infiltrator Systems has a new chamber which I think will likely prove better – the Quick4 Plus Standard Low Profile (LP) Chamber. It is only 8 inches (20 cm) tall. So what is discharged through the chamber can infiltrate even higher in the soil profile where there is more life to utilize and filter the water. This chamber has an effective length of 48 inches (122 cm) and a width of 34 inches (86 cm).
Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS)/Hancor
I used to think their BioDiffuser 1100BD, Bio2, and Bio3 On-Site Leach chambers were their best chambers since their height does not exceed 12 inches (30 cm). This way the majority of the water discharged through the chambers infiltrates into the top 2 feet (0.6 m) of soil where roots and soil life can more readily utilize the water. I feel these standard 12-inch tall chambers are much better than the high capacity chambers with heights of 16 to 24 or more inches, which discharge the water lower in the soil profile, out of the reach of more roots. But now ADS has a new chamber which I think will likely prove better – the ARC 36 LP Chamber. It is only 8 inches (20 cm) tall. So what is discharged through the chamber can infiltrate even higher in the soil profile where there is more life to utilize and filter the water. This chamber has an effective length of 65 inches (165 cm) and a width of 34 inches (86 cm). Look them up under “On-Site Leach.”
Benson, AZ
Benson Lumber & Supply
(520) 586-7465
Dewey, AZ
Loomis Tanks
Supplier of Infiltrator Systems’ 12-inch (30-cm) tall Quick4 Standard Chambers. But see if you can get them to order the Quick4 Plus Standard Low Profile (LP) Chamber, which I think would be more ideal for greywater systems, since it is shallower and discharges water higher in soil profile where there is more soil life that can utilize and filter the water.
(866) 636-0046
Flagstaff, AZ
Canyon Pipe and Supply
Their 12-inch tall chambers are not always in stock – may need to special order.
(928) 527-3023
Phoenix, AZ
Smith Precast
Quick-4 chambers and Quick-4 end caps.
(602) 268-0228
Do-it-yourself options
For plastic 30- or 55-gallon barrels to make your own chambers, check:
Feed stores
Soda- and juice-bottling companies
For plastic 5-gallon buckets for Bucket and Chuck It systems, check:
Donut shops, bakery or deli departments at grocery stores, fast food operations
Ask for their used buckets – they may sell them or give them away. (Either way they are cheaper and better than buying new buckets – let’s reduce the demand for, and production of polluting plastic products).
Make sure you get the ones with metal handles (the plastic handles break).
Miller’s Surplus
They sell black buckets
(520) 622-4777
They sell used buckets in bulk, but you have to specify the metal-handled ones; otherwise they’ll give you the plastic-handled ones.
(520) 294-3333
For plastic 55-gallon drums/barrels for laundry surge tank or kitchen sink interceptor, check:
Check local feed stores or juice- and soda-bottling companies
Flagstaff, AZ
Olsen’s Grain
Phoenix area
J & L Drum Company Inc. (ask for Tom)
These are used open top barrels previously used for shampoo. The open top with removeable lid makes for nice easy access to periodically clean out the barrels.
*By appointment only*
(480) 759-1200
Tucson area
Sunwest Container
They carry a wide range of sizes and styles of plastic drums.
Ranchers Supply
They carry 55-gallon plastic drums with removable lid.
Catalina, AZ
(520) 825-2969
Hand pump for an interior-siphon, hand-pump-powered greywater drain
Dayton Hand Drum Pump, model 2UY14—rated for liquid temperatures up to 140º F (60º C), so hot greywater from a bath is no problem.
Action Pump Co model #5000 manual siphon pump rated to 140ºF
Garden nozzle for outdoor hose shower head
Their garden department sells the Orbit/SunMate 10-Pattern Aluminum Turret Torch. It costs about $8, and works as a multi-setting hose shower nozzle with easy shut off.
Do you have an addition to this list? Let me know.