Grassland Restoration Workshop utilizing water-harvesting, erosion-control strategies at Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge, Altar Valley, Arizona
March 14 - March 15

See the flyer for details.
Strategies we will teach and build include: rock-mulch rundowns, one-rock dams, sheet flow collectors (media lunas horns down), sheet flow spreaders (media lunas horns up), and plug and spread – all of these are explained with case studies in the full-color edition “Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition“.
These strategies work well in rural, suburban, and urban settings.
Register at avcarestorationworkshop.
For those joining both days, there will be free camping near the project site.
Be prepared to be outdoors all day, dress accordingly. Bring gloves and simple hand tools such as pointed shovel if you have them. Otherwise we’ll have extra.
Also bring water and the lunch and snacks you’ll need throughout the day.